Hoary Bat Facts

The Eastern Red Bat, Fairfax VA

The Hoary Bat is listed as a vulnerable species in Virginia and the United States as a whole. This is largely due to wind turbines, as it is believed that they are attracted to them, and are killed when the turbines become active. Most of these deaths occur during their migration period in the winter and fall.

These bats can be found everywhere here in Virginia, and can be found in every state of the United States, except Alaska. Historically, the Hoary Bat can be found here in virginia in the spring and fall when they are migrating north. However, recently they have been found to be staying here for mating and breeding.

Hoary Bat Characteristics

The Hoary bat is the largest bat found here in Virginia with a size of 5-6 inches long. These bats have black bands, tan bands, dark brown bands, all of thich are tipped with a white color. These white tips is where the name Hoary comes from which is an older word for grayish white.

Hoary Bat Mating and Breeding

Mating occurs right when the Hoary Bats start migrating, which occurs in late August. When they giv birth they tend to have twins but they can also have quadruplets as well. Young will learn to fly at 5 weeks and will be on their own at 7 weeks.

Hoary Bat Diet

These bats primarily feast on moths, but they also tend to eat grasshopers, dragonflies, and flies. Because this bat is so large, it can also attack smaller bats such as the tri-colored bat.